Refill Dorset

Refill Dorset

Litter Free Coast & Sea
Litter Free Coast & Sea

Around 13 billion plastic bottles are used every year in the UK. Poole is one of the top areas in the country with recycling rates of 51% but a plastic bottle can only be recycled seven times and that’s only if it’s always part of that lucky 51%.

The Refill Dorset scheme set up by Litter Free Coast and Sea offers the public free tap water refills at designated points. Refill is a practical tap water campaign that aims to make refilling your bottle as easy, convenient and cheap as possible by introducing refill points on every street. We know water fountains can be expensive to install and maintain, and often hard to find in our towns and rural areas alike. Besides, our tap water is so good we really don’t need them. Instead, we’re simply asking friendly cafes, shops, hotels and businesses to welcome you in to refill your water bottle with good old tap water – for free!

Refill points can be identified with the Refill app or by the ‘Free Tap Water’ window sticker. It’s a really simple idea that also helps to encourage potential customers into the business. Businesses can either contact us for a sticker and to be added to the app or contact Litter Free Coast and Sea directly.