Plastic Free Poole
Plastic Free Poole is part of the nationwide Surfers Against Sewage campaign, Plastic Free Communities. The campaign aims to reduce the amount of single-use plastics within our day-to-day lives and to get the community as a whole to change the way single use plastics are viewed and used.
There is an opportunity here for EVERYONE to get involved in some way, but BUSINESSES, SCHOOLS, COMMUNITY ORGANISATIONS: you lot are the keys to making this work
Do you run or work for a small business? Could you look at reducing the amount of single-use plastics used on the premises or have you already done this? Just three simple changes within a business could qualify for the coveted ‘Plastic Free Champion’ award!
Are you part of a community group? Could you pledge to support and promote the campaign, and lead by example by reducing single use plastics?
Could your school get involved? Or, if you’re an individual, and have some time and passion to spare, we need you too!
Email us at plasticfreepoole@oceanstoearth.com for more information