6 Tips On How To Dispose Of Beach Waste

6 Tips On How To Dispose Of Beach Waste

all this rubbish and nowhere to go

“I’ve done a few litter picks in my time, and I know it can be difficult managing what’s been collected. So I thought I’d share some tips about disposing of beach waste”. – Rosie, Co-Founder

you ask, we answer

We love comments and feedback from our community of supporters, it lets us know what you’re interested and concerned about. Recently we’ve had a some comments asking ‘how to dispose of beach waste after a litter pick?’ – a great question. There are a couple issues surrounding disposing of collected waste, so I’ve laid out 6 tips on what to do with rubbish to guide you through the process!

6 tips

  1. For impromptu beach cleans where you’re only planning on collecting small amounts, it’s best to take the rubbish you’ve collected home. Separate out the recyclable items and dispose using your home waste bins.
  2. On larger, organised litter picks, you will need to contact the local council in advance and arrange for collection from an agreed location. They will be happy to help – as long as the location is accessible by vehicle.
  3. Cramming large amounts of rubbish into council bins is not a good idea. It will reduce capacity for other users and could result in further littering or overflowing bins.
  4. Never leave bags of rubbish next to a bin. Although it seems like a good option, it will be classified as fly tipping and could result in a hefty fine.
  5.  If you want to organise your own group litter pick, or set up regular litter picking events and need some help or equipment, get in touch.
  6. You can also collect data from your beach cleans. TIDES (Trash Information and Data for Education and Solutions) is a database set up by Ocean Conservancy that allows volunteers from across to globe to contribute beach cleaning data.

Coastalcleanup - T.I.D.E.S

  • Over 16 million volunteer contributions
  • 97,061 locations across the world.
  • 342,675,198 lbs of litter removed
  • 586,442 miles of beach covered

Access via website: https://www.coastalcleanupdata.org

Access via App Store: ‘Clean Swell’

Beach cleaning? Keep seeing tiny plastic pellets? You need to read our ‘Noxious Nurdle’ report HERE